Saturday, February 7, 2009

Educational Blogs You Should Be Investigating

Today’s topic again focuses on another valuable teacher freebie, and free is in my price range.  How about you? Today’s post gives each of us a rare professional development opportunity – learning from other teachers who teach the same curriculum as you.  Think about it.  Wouldn’t the idea of having just a first grade teacher conference be phenomenal?  How about a drama teacher conference?  Or one for middle school English teachers?  What sort of conversations would you have?  What resources would you share?

Now think about the possibility of peering inside another teacher’s classroom to see what wonderful projects and activities were happening.  Could you take an idea or two back to your room?  Absolutely!  That’s the power of following educational blogs.

What I’ve pulled for you today are blogs divided by subject and grade level for you to quickly reference, but I do encourage you to explore blogs outside of your curriculum, as well.  Some are classroom blogs.  Others are teacher reflections.  A few are teaching strategies with classroom resources, and there are even some from outside education, but relate to your curriculum. 

I cannot guarantee you will be able to reference all of these blogs while at school, as I am aware many school filters limit access to blogs.  Please, do not let that discourage you from investigating, however.  Take the time to check these out.  Hopefully you will find inspiration and wonderful ideas.

If you own a blog or know of another one that would fall under this list, please consider adding it to the comments. The better the list, the better we all will benefit.

Technology Integration

Administration (Principal/Superintendent/Tech Director)

Elementary General



1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade



Business Education/Photojournalism/Graphic Design


English/Language Arts/Speech



Foreign Language

Industrial Technology



Physical Education/Health


Social Studies/History

Special Education

Study Skills

Technology/Computer Apps


  1. Thanks for linking my blog to your site. I will now have the pleasure of checking out some sites that I didn't know about.

  2. Glad to have you visit Aussie Teacher! You do have one of the best blogs on the web.

  3. Thanks for including SharonsShare - you have a great blog and I enjoy your newsletters.

  4. Thanks Sharon. I hope I can help direct more people to your great blog.

  5. Great list. Here is another online education site you might want to add:

    Very interesting useful posts about learning online.

  6. Excellent - thank you

  7. If you would like to know more about the use of technology in education in Africa, you may visit my blog at

  8. Thank you Kobus. Your blog is excellent.

  9. Thanks for the link.
    I enjoy blogging. My teacher blog A Day In the Life at
    Is one I try to talk to teaching, momming and being a person, the student blog is How Beautiful You Are at, both have been interesting. I have very little school tech so this is hard to see there. In a poverty school in a very difficult time in education it's a start. I'd do quite a lot to see kids with laptops and equity in access. But I have learned quite a bit myself in this form.

    There are always things to do to improve.
    I appreciate the links.
    Sarah Puglisi

  10. Thanks for linking to the Recorded Books blog! This is a really great list - I just shared it on twitter.

    Readers of this blog, follow @recordedbooks on twitter and send me a tweet or DM and I'll send you a link for a download of an excerpt and lesson plans for Waiting for Normal, Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!, or The Adventurous Life of Myles Standish.

    Thanks again!

  11. Here's another great blog to check out - it's got tech-tips, integrating technology, 21st century education, new teacher tips, and much more.

  12. Excellent! Thanks for sharing! The more blogs we have on the list, the better our resources will be.

  13. These are great! Now, do you know of a blog that has tips for educators on how to find the time to monitor valuable blogs?

  14. Fantastic list. I'm RTing this on Twitter @johnmikulski. My tech ed blog is

  15. Hi MollyAnna - It sure would be nice if we could download blog posts to our iPods like podcasts in iTunes and listen as we hit the treadmills, wouldn't it? I use Google Reader to track the blogs I follow and have been pleased with it. Glad you stopped by.

  16. John, (your "ski" name is almost as cool as mine! ;) Thanks for sharing Making Teachers Nerdy on Twitter. Your blog is yet another great source for educators, and I appreciate you adding to the list.

  17. HI,
    Thanks for including Kindergarten Tales in your list. We love sharing what we do with others!

  18. Hi there, and many thanks (belated, unfortunately) for including my blog "Kindergarten's 3 R's" in your incredible list! I didn't notice the link since it's titled "Kidney Garden" in your post until now~ I can't wait to explore the other sites you've included!


  19. Hi Michaele! Oh my. I've fixed the typo. We're very glad to have your blog on the list. Thanks for stopping by Making Teachers Nerdy.

  20. Ha, no, it wasn't a typo, it was the address name instead of the name of the blog. :) The name of the blog is "Kindergarten's 3 R's" (though the address is "kidney-garden" etc.) Thanks again for the link- I also LOVE the name of your blog!



  21. Great list of resources.

    Thank you very much.

  22. MrsSmoke,

    Thank you for linking to my site, Keyboarding Research and Resources. It provided me the opportunity to come to your site which is quite impressive.

    You might also want to explore my other website, Dr. Z Reflects. This is a site where I share Web 2.0 tools that can be used in learning. I would be most interested in your feedback as well.

    Thank you,

    Leigh Zeitz (Dr. Z)

  23. Thank you Dr. Z for stopping by Making Teachers Nerdy. Both of your sites are wonderful resources I highly recommend for anyone. Thank for you sharing.

  24. I came across a blog post that greatly adds to this list. Beth Harrison over at has created a post entitled "20 Blogs I Wish I Were Around When I Started Teaching". It's a wonderful read and I highly recommend you checking it out

  25. Nice work! I'll be sharing your blog with by colleagues who have not yet taken the leap.
    Roger Lemelin

  26. Thanks Roger for stopping by Making Teachers Nerdy , sharing your blog with us, and passing the word onto your colleagues. Glad to see you.

  27. Thanks Smoke for all the links. You do such a great job. This is a wonderful resource!

  28. Thanks Tuanua! It also helps to have a great Tech Person like yourself to share ideas and "nerd out" together.

  29. Please check out Road to Teaching (

    It's support aspiring, preservice, and student teachers. It has the web's largest collection of teacher interview questions and a blog.

    Thanks for sharing these links.

  30. Thanks Hougan for sharing! This will be a wonderful resource for all of us.

  31. Another very useful edu site is Right now it has a great post on free documentaries.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Thank you for the terrific resources. Some of us consider sixth grade to be part of the elementary track. Here's a blog of some sixth grade experiences integrating technology into the classroom.

  34. Thanks for all of the great links, I really appreciate the special education links! I can always use more resources.

  35. What an interesting website, and a very helpful list of blogs and resources!

    My company, Tutoring Match, also has an educational blog on our website - take a look:: We are an academic and enrichment referral service located in Fairfield, Connecticut. We have been tutoring students in-home since 1999, and will be launching online tutoring this month.

    We are looking to partner with professionals and services that complement us, and vice versa. We have all our partnerships listed and linked on our website. Let me know if you would be interested in displaying Tutoring Match's link and/or logo on your site in exchange for your site's recognition on our resources page and/or our blog.

    I look forward to hearing from you!


  36. Thanks for the links to other kindergartens. I use a google reader account but found that a few of the K links didn't have a feed I could add to google. Please add my blog to your list for kindergarten.

  37. Thanks for the helpful list of blogs. I've added 3 to my "must read" list.

  38. Thank you so much for this great blog. We have recently added computers to all our classrooms and many teachers are trying to find a way to use their computers with their classes. I am sure to forward this on. I have created a list of other great educational resources in a sort of blog style format at which I think your readers would like.

  39. Great List! I will be tweeting it so my tweeps can find it. My secondary science blog is at I appreciate you all sharing and putting this list together!

  40. hey all i am a teacher, check out my blog:

  41. AMAZING website! Thank you so much for all the links. I have a website with great ideas for elementary school teachers, and I thought you might be interested. I'm trying to connect with other teachers and other websites for great ideas for the classroom. I appreciate all of the work you put into this!

  42. I recently started, a free online resource for teachers and students to promote self-directed student learning and the development of ITC digital literacy skills. I hope you find it useful.

  43. Hi,
    The Kindergarten and Business blogs are really nice. I haven't explored the Art, Foreign language and and Science section. But I'm impressed with your research and writing skills. Much to my surprise, all websites are tremendously helping. Thanks for sharing and keep your great work posting and sharing at other platforms too.
    Custom Essay

  44. I happened to find this site as a referring URL to my blog, the French Corner. Thank you so much for listing my blog here! I am so excited to have discovered this blog and all the great resources you have found.
    -Samantha Decker

  45. Now think about the possibility of peering inside another teacher’s classroom to see what wonderful projects and activities were happening. Could you take an idea or two back to your room? Absolutely! That’s the power of following educational blogs.peninggi badan

  46. Hi. This is a fabulous list and have discovered a couple of new blogs besides seeing a few of my favorites, too. Please consider adding my blog Apples With Many Seeds ( I blog about resources for grades K-12 that I think will engage students (or anyone, really) primarily juvenile fiction and nonfiction but sometimes higher level materials that are just too good to miss (eg. photographic/coffee table books) and occasionally, professional teaching support resources.

  47. I just stumbled across your site. How could I have not found this before!!! I am creating an RSS for a blogging course I am taking and am subscribing to your site. I love the links for Pre-K and ESL/ELL as that is what I teach. You have done a great job finding great blogs/links for us to use.

    Thank you,

    Jennifer Cardenas

  48. Really help full lists i think it will really help many of them...

    Thank you,
    IT Training

  49. Awesome list. I've just started a blog on integrating technology and science teaching @ And you can follow me at

    Thanks again for compiling the list, some of these are already favorites but plenty of new ones to check out....


  50. Smoke- excellent list of blogs you have documented. Thank you for taking the time and effort to collect these resources and to share with all of us. Sorry I missed your webinar on wallwisher from this past week 9/10- but will tap back into the archived file to listen to your experise on the Intel site :-)


  51. Post is really informative and way of describing is really unique and appreciate your work.

  52. Great list. Have you seen the playful learning blog, ? I'd love if you check it out. Thanks!
